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Welcome to waiver-kiko-cz@bs.com. I hope you enjoy your stay (:
My name is chenzung and I have a bunch of good friends,
Jay,LY,SJ,Elaine,Elmer & Abraham!Friends Forever!~
I play AuditionSEA, My I.G.N.: WaiverKingz, Lv: 51 - WorldStar
Couple: WaiverQueenz <3, Lv: 54 - World Star
Fam: WorldOfStars

Monday, September 20, 2010
I'm stupid@5:08 AM

I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid!

Saturday, September 18, 2010
You'll never understand.@9:34 PM

It's really stress for me to have 2 CCAs. I've always thought that I could cope with it. but unfortunately, I can't. Exams are around the corner and you're asking me to go for the foot drill competition even though i've already rendered my letter. You said I can't quit until the end of this year. Every time, my uniform failed for inspection. I've already tried my very very best. Why not, you help me sew? You only knew how to scold, but have you ever thought of how people feel?


Saturday, September 4, 2010
It's such a fun day tdy!@9:40 AM

Thanks to Elaine, Sijia, Abraham and Elmer, you all make my day! Its so fun playing at the arcade tdy. its like we're playing gogo ball for so many times we got 100over tickets!After that we went to the food junction for lunch lol.aft lunch we went to the *children* playground to play. haha! at the end of the day we bought bubble tea and went home. lol :P
Love Ya <3

*rosemary* hehe. my ring nw so shiok :)
love yous bi <33

Sot bro! grats for brc medal! :DD

Monday, September 20, 2010
I'm stupid@5:08 AM

I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid!

Saturday, September 18, 2010
You'll never understand.@9:34 PM

It's really stress for me to have 2 CCAs. I've always thought that I could cope with it. but unfortunately, I can't. Exams are around the corner and you're asking me to go for the foot drill competition even though i've already rendered my letter. You said I can't quit until the end of this year. Every time, my uniform failed for inspection. I've already tried my very very best. Why not, you help me sew? You only knew how to scold, but have you ever thought of how people feel?


Saturday, September 4, 2010
It's such a fun day tdy!@9:40 AM

Thanks to Elaine, Sijia, Abraham and Elmer, you all make my day! Its so fun playing at the arcade tdy. its like we're playing gogo ball for so many times we got 100over tickets!After that we went to the food junction for lunch lol.aft lunch we went to the *children* playground to play. haha! at the end of the day we bought bubble tea and went home. lol :P
Love Ya <3

*rosemary* hehe. my ring nw so shiok :)
love yous bi <33

Sot bro! grats for brc medal! :DD

- A part time job xD
- A new Windows 7
- More pocket money
- New shoes
- More freedom!
- Better results xD
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