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Welcome to waiver-kiko-cz@bs.com. I hope you enjoy your stay (:
My name is chenzung and I have a bunch of good friends,
Jay,LY,SJ,Elaine,Elmer & Abraham!Friends Forever!~
I play AuditionSEA, My I.G.N.: WaiverKingz, Lv: 51 - WorldStar
Couple: WaiverQueenz <3, Lv: 54 - World Star
Fam: WorldOfStars

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
:D Currently tagging hearts.@5:47 AM

As you can see from the title, lol. i now tagging hearts. (my couple memo.)

80% of the blog completed!@4:02 AM

Hey guys, my blog is almost complete, lol. I spent like 3hrs editing my blogskin(inclusive of tagging harts,watching anime). Finally!

Wow, I can't believe vio posted my ss on fam blog! ;x
Lols, its me x6 in love mode ;x see liao so shiok.

That's all for today ba, i have to go finsih up my homework..xD

Monday, August 16, 2010
Met with uncivilised people today. WTF.@3:12 AM

People are uncivilised sometimes, but i can't believe that this person is so god damn uncivilised lo. I ask him 1 question nia, is there a need to elbow me until my phone drop on the road? fuck him man. _|_

Okay, wow? i can't believe i started blogging again. lol.

that's all for today ba~ ciaos :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
:D Currently tagging hearts.@5:47 AM

As you can see from the title, lol. i now tagging hearts. (my couple memo.)

80% of the blog completed!@4:02 AM

Hey guys, my blog is almost complete, lol. I spent like 3hrs editing my blogskin(inclusive of tagging harts,watching anime). Finally!

Wow, I can't believe vio posted my ss on fam blog! ;x
Lols, its me x6 in love mode ;x see liao so shiok.

That's all for today ba, i have to go finsih up my homework..xD

Monday, August 16, 2010
Met with uncivilised people today. WTF.@3:12 AM

People are uncivilised sometimes, but i can't believe that this person is so god damn uncivilised lo. I ask him 1 question nia, is there a need to elbow me until my phone drop on the road? fuck him man. _|_

Okay, wow? i can't believe i started blogging again. lol.

that's all for today ba~ ciaos :)

- A part time job xD
- A new Windows 7
- More pocket money
- New shoes
- More freedom!
- Better results xD
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